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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Eck! My self tanner turned me BLUE

I use self tanner every summermainly to cover my spider vein legs. The begining of summer I usually have left over self tanner, always used BM before. When I used old BM tanner it would look green but still turn into a nice tan color. This time I used my left over Vita Liberata and it looked blue. I used it anyway, thinking it would work the same as the BM and eventually turn tan but so far, several hours in NOPE, just blue.😱 Dont know what to expect in the morning,  Thank goodness I'm off from work for the next several days!  I'll give a smurf update in the morning.

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Re: Eck! My self tanner turned me BLUE

Holy! OMG Sherrie I hope you are tan by morning. I have always been afraid to try those self tanners. Yikes let us know what happens. Best of Luck

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Eck! My self tanner turned me BLUE

I love Vita Liberata but I always throw out any unused by the end of summer and get a new bottle each spring. I've never had any blue issues. 

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Posts: 266
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Eck! My self tanner turned me BLUE

Update... Much better this morning! I quess it was more of the quide  color that was affected. I threw out the small remaining amount and ordered a new bottle. I really like Vita Liberata, it's the first mousse I've used, SO much better than lotion as it dried quickly and doesn't get on my clothes or sheets, just not a fan of the strange blue tint I was all day yesterday!