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Last year was the first time I actually purchased disposable razors. How may times can you use one razor? I am thinking 3 or 4 times and then throw out. Am I in the ballpark? Please give me your input. Thanks.

kindness is strength
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It depends on the quality of the razor. I buy Venus and can use one for literally months lol!
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On 1/16/2014 JOU2JOU said: It depends on the quality of the razor. I buy Venus and can use one for literally months lol!

I agree, not all razors are created equal. I buy the Venus (pink) where you change out the razor head. If you dry the razor off after each use, it will last much much longer. The cheap disposables are always nicking my ankles or knees.

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Registered: ‎06-14-2012

Totally agree. I recently tried a new brand... think it's Soiel? I've been using it over a week now and it's still going strong.

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I've used most brands of disposable razors and have found the Venus Embrace to be the best. It costs more, but it feels like butter going across my legs. I won't use any other brand now. I use the same razor for a few months!!!!! Never does it cause any nicks like other brands always did to me.
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I use one for a few months. As long as it's not rusty or dull.
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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Thank you, Ladies. I will have to try the Venus Embrace. Sometimes it pays to spend a little more and have a better quality, long lasting product. Thank you.

kindness is strength
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Try the Target Brand . They're very good.

Comes in a pack of 5, in a clear tub & clear top with pink trim.

Razors are 5 blade white & pink in color.



Five Blade Razors

Compare To Venus Embrace"


You'll be able to use these many multiple times before you will have to throw away.

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Posts: 469
Registered: ‎04-25-2012
On 1/16/2014 katkitty said:

Try the Target Brand . They're very good.

Comes in a pack of 5, in a clear tub & clear top with pink trim.

Razors are 5 blade white & pink in color.



Five Blade Razors

Compare To Venus Embrace"


You'll be able to use these many multiple times before you will have to throw away.

YES, YES, YES! These are the best razors I have EVER used! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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I like Bic Soliel, one lasts me for many months, but I am post meno and the hair on my legs grows in much more slowly.