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Registered: ‎10-21-2010
Does anyone have the info on the clarisonic tsv in nov. I tried to find a thread but cant find it. Thanks
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I have the Plus with the body brush and Philosophy's Fresh Cream and Purity face wash. I love it. It has helped greatly with my eczema to clear off the dead skin so the moisturizers can get to it. My pores are also smaller. I talked my sister into getting one last Black Friday. She got the Mia and loves it. The flex pay made it so worth it and easy to get. I love mine and will continue to use it. I have sensitive skin, so my sister and I use it in the evening to really get the day off. This week I have been doing what is called "shakedown" at work, basically going through all the inmate's stuff looking for contraband. Hygiene is not always something they appreciate. Then there is all the dust, dander, and generally icky stuff! The body brush is what I really need when these days come. I also have a Salux cloth that I use as well. I use it on my body and face, two different ones. Just use light pressure on your face and small circles. I wrap mine around my finger and buff in tight corners around my nose and ears.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,750
Registered: ‎10-21-2010
Thsnks but I had a clarisonic am looking to replace it. I was hoping somekne knew the price, how many ez pays,and what brush heads come with the nov tsv.
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎03-28-2011

Mia2 with sensitive brush head, Luxe Cashmere Cleanse brush head, charger, hard case for travel and Fresh Soy Face cleanser. $124.90 w/ship included 5 EZ pay of $24.98. A/D avail on the cleanser for $38+ ship for a total of 3 shipments. Nov 8. Variety of colors and prints

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,750
Registered: ‎10-21-2010
Thank you.