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Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

I was so excited to finally receive the new It Bye Bye Foundation. Well, it seemed very orange to me....I ordered Medium, which is what I use in the CC Cream, but I thought maybe it was just the lighting in my bathroom.....Nope!!!! I walked into the living room to look at the color in natural light and DH took one look at me and asked what happened to my face.....I asked why......the word Oompa Loompa was, it’s packed up and ready to be returned.


Seriously.....I’ve never had anything look so orange on me before. I’m so disappointed....I was hoping it would be amazing.....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

IT has a serious problem with undertones IMO. Their pink is baby aspirin peach, and their yellow is spicy brown mustard brown! Today I swatched medium neutral just to see what their idea of neutral is. Wait for it - orange, really orange! 

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Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

I was excited,too, to get the Bye Bye foundation. I got the lightest color they offer and the color was OK, but after only two hours of wear it kind of beaded up on my skin. It looked like I smeared it somehow. Its a wonderful idea they should take back to the drawing board.

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Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

I saw a you tube video and she said it looked orange.  Wonder why they don't test it more..

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Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

Last week when I was in Ulta I swatched Medium on my hand. I wanted to try the Medium Neutral but the tester had walked off. I did not like it at all. It just looked flat and felt heavy. At my age with dry skin I need a glow. This provided none of that.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

I am test driving it on Saturday in the Fair which is just a tad lighter I believe then the CC cream fair.  I put some on my hand and it was to moist...never dries down...which for me would be a NO NO.  So I mixed a tiny drop with my Revlon ColorStay foundation (dry skin type) and am wearing it today.  So far so good this way...went on nicely and no separating on my face.


Both this one and the CC cream separated on me and look gooey....and if you touch them you can easily wipe it off.  I do not like putting powder over top to "set" any this is a deal breaker for me.  But I will probably keep it as I LOVE the brush...and I can mix it with my Colorstay so no loss then.


But I am disappointed....wish they came out with a foundation I could of now I can't wear any of them unless I mix with my Colorstay!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Bye Bye Foundation....Nope!!

I have been using mine for three days now. The brush is excellent. I like the color light in the Bye Bye better than the CC Cream. Also the CC cream has a bad eucalyptus smell that I hate the Bye Bye does not. The new one goes on creamier, but is less opaque than the CC cream and has less covereage. I still don't know which one I prefer better the CC cream is just a tad too yellow for me and the Bye Bye has a little less coverage and does not go on as evenly.