Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎04-16-2012

Beauty Tube, your thoughts? Love, Hate, Wen?

I knew Wen would be in the tube this month, but so happy and shocked it was a itty bitty WVM in the tube. I thought it'd be a normal scent. It so made my day. It is my second shippment of a beauty tube.

I love love my bitty bottle. I'm not ready for Winter yet, but happy to get this. It did shock me that it is THIS Scent for people to try with all the buzz about it not coming back next year. It makes me wonder why they used this scent to draw people in. Is it because of they have offered other Wen before?

I still love. It is one of my favorite scents and great on my hair.

Did anyone else get the same scent? Do they change them up? What is your thought on the Beauty Tube?