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Posts: 10,209
Registered: ‎07-29-2014

DRYLY-humorous & unbelievable Kickstarter campaign - that was real ;)

Kickstarter has become a wonderful way to watch often hilariously-deluded people fail to achieve their completely ridiculous dreams.

Thanks to the dedicated crew at Reddit’s /r/sh!ttykickstarters community, we’ve found for more incredible anti-gems for you to check out that will hopefully never find enough suckers to get successfully funded.
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The "Cat Bath Contraption"
There’s something charming about Kickstarters that are so bad that their creators don’t even bother putting much effort into fooling you that their project is worth funding.
One such project is the "Cat-Bath Contraption", which is… a plastic tub that you fill up with water and then use to bathe your cat.
We’re not making this up.
This is the entire description of the project:
The picture above is of our current prototype for the cat bath – we hope to move beyond a simple bin and create a cat bath revolution!
The Cat-Bath Contraption is cutting-edge new technology designed to make bathing your cat a whole lot easier!

Ah yes, the sort of cutting-edge technology that involves filling up a plastic container with water.
And say, aren’t cats clean animals anyway?
And why would you really need $500 to “build” a cutting-edge plastic tub that anyone could buy from the Dollar Store for 50 cents?
Thankfully, this project doesn’t look like it’s going to meet its goals — it’s raised $7 so far with less than a day to go.

Wonder what the cat was thinking in the photo above? Smiley Wink