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Posts: 187
Registered: ‎12-20-2010
/></span><br/> <br/> <span style=I love baking.

I love baking fancy cookies, pretty pies and beautiful bars.

But sometimes? A back-to-basics, plain, simple, good-to-the-last-spoonful, easy dessert can't be beat.

That's what I call this classic pudding. For's a serving of hugs in a bowl.

I got this recipe more than 30 years ago from my then mother in law. She had gotten it out of a magazine that one of her customers at the "beauty shop" she worked at gave to her. What magazine? Who knows.........I'm just glad she found it and tore the page out.

The beauty of this pudding is its simplicity. All it is is a basic baked custard with cereal and-if you like (which we do)-fruit added. The combination of all parts makes a whole dish of heaven.

/></span><br/> <br/> <span style=A plus for me is I have the choice of making it with eggs and whole milk OR with low fat ingredients like egg substitute and low fat milk. Sure, the full fat version is nice and rich, but the lower fat is creamy and delicious too. It's nice to have a choice.....

I don't often buy whole milk-only for certain recipes and then I buy the smallest container I can so that it won't go to waste. This bakes up fine using whatever milk you have on hand.

The original recipe called for 4 Tbsp. of melted butter to mix with the Grapenuts. I have found that 2 Tbsp. does the job just fine.

We love raisins so I always add 1/2 cup-you can choose to leave them out if you prefer. I would up the cereal amount by 1/4 cup if the raisins are omitted.

This mixes up in no time at all, then into the oven it goes.

The pudding itself isn't overly sweet, so that pop of sweetness from the raisins really adds a nice touch. The Grapenuts soften and add their wonderfully unique taste to the mix. It's wonderful served warm but is just as wonderful cold with-if you wish-a little dollop of fresh whipped cream.

Since we're still watching what we eat, no whipped cream this time-and we don't miss it at all. A small serving of this is a real treat.

The pudding in the photos is made with 1% milk and 3/4 c. egg substitute-it's creamy and delicious.

This may not be the prettiest dessert, but in my book? It's the flavor that matters-and this is out of this world delightful.


/></span><br/> <br/> <span style=GRAPENUT PUDDING
(Source: adapted from a recipe given to me by my former mother in law, Alma)

3/4 c. Grapenuts cereal
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted

1/2 c. granulated sugar
3 eggs, well beaten OR egg substitute to equal 3 eggs
2 c. milk (can use low fat or fat free)

1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4-1/2 c. raisins (optional)

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 1 1/2-quart baking dish with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.

In a deep small bowl, combine the cereal with the melted butter, stirring until the butter coats the cereal; set aside.

In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar until well mixed. Whisk in the milk, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt until thoroughly combined. Stir in the cereal and raisins.

Pour the mixture into the prepared baking dish. Place the baking dish in a larger pan with hot water up to the 1" level of the baking dish.

Bake @ 375 for 30 minutes, Stir the pudding thoroughly, and bake @ 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes more or until a knife inserted 1" from center comes out clean. Serve warm or cold.

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