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No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

Hundreds of items are being offered with guaranteed 12/25 delivery - but no Linea? Not even the whisper knit scarves - which are such a great gift idea?

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Re: No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

I hadn't noticed that, Enjay. I also wonder why some gifts are tagged "Easy Gifts" and others aren't. The Linea WK scarf with gift box is perfect for that category!! Guaranteed shipping by 12/25 should be a given. Missed opportunity for sure.

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Re: No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

GraceCO, I agree the WK scarf should have been a no-brainer for this promotion. The Q dropped the ball on this one.

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Re: No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

You don't the the quanity situation...the warehouse they are in..etc.

I think it is better not to offer items if the demand cannot be met.

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Re: No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

The Linea scarves could have been ordered for some time now. Maybe they are only making this offer on newer things. Also, the quantities may be too low on the scarf. Don't know, just guessing.

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Registered: ‎11-16-2011

Re: No Linea Guaranteed Delivery Items?!

There's an easy fix for the quantity dilemma--order more! I don't see why the buyers couldn't have included the WK scarf in their ""easy gift"" promotion and planned quantities accordingly. Surely they know the posh knit scarves--at a higher price point-- flew out of the warehouse last year.