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I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

My first impressions were : the girls were set up to fail by not actually being told what they needed to know about the line and what would be expected of them before the press was invited. Thus - I felt the show is nothing but a scripted set up.I seriously doubt those were actual reporters. My second impression was DVF looks awful - she has not aged well and her hair reminded me of a sea hag - I could not think of one nice thing to say about that hair! With all her money she could do a much better job of her own appearance. My third impression was - what was all the touching and hugging and kissing when she sent to girl home? Inappropriate!!!

I will absolutely not be watching this show ever again.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

Have not watched and likely will never watch this show since I have an aversion to this kind of "competition" type programming.

However, DVF used to sell a fabulous line of silks on HSN (many years ago). The items were unique, well-made and classic. I still have two blouses from the line and two quilted jackets that are as pretty today as when I bought them, and they ALL have been washed many times!

I miss that type of quality clothing now, but since I no longer work, I don't need much.

I just don't get these kinds of shows and I agree that DVF has not aged well. However, I think the frazzled hair thing is just her look. She certainly has made millions and millions on her talent and clothing line.

All the more difficult for me to understand why she would do this type of show. I guess it's never enough!

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Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

I watched an episode but I don't know if it was the first or not. I didn't care for the show, didn't care for the women and didn't care for DVF.

I also am not a fan of Stephanie Greenfield when she presents on HSN nor was I a fan of her's on the show.

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Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

I was surprised to see Stefani Greenfield on with DVF.

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Registered: ‎06-23-2010

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

I think DVF is still beautiful. Her eyes are incredible, her body is in great shape, and I like that her face doesn't look "altered." If she has had a procedure or two (I don't know), I think she looks really nice and not "overdone." To me, she seems to allow for natural aging, and doesn't appear to try to correct every little thing. I mentioned in another thread that she has such effortless style and grace. I, also, love her no-nonsense approach to both the "contestants," and her staff. She's tough, but fair.

The journalists, PR people, etc, who were at the DVF event are definitely "real," and not actors. One person I recognized was Eva Chen, Editor of Lucky magazine. She also used to work at Vogue. She's well known in the fashion biz. The other professionals seemed to be legitimate to me, too.

I don't really think the girls were "set up" to fail at the event. Throughout the Brand Ambassador program (the premise for this reality show), they had already had several days of being introduced to DVF's latest collection. I think Diane and the DVF staff felt the girls should have been more pro-active all along, and should have been asking more questions to really learn about the Brand. They may not have known about the event, but they should have been better prepared. I think DVF and staff are looking for someone that shows initiative, motivation, someone who can be professional/poised when not knowing all the answers, expect to be in spur-of-the moment situations, etc, etc. From what I've read and heard, the fashion industry is a tough biz, with a lot of really talented people out there "competing" for a limited number of jobs (- I'm not referring to this reality comp, but to the fashion industry in general). You have to be a go-getter, and not expect all the answers to be given to you.

It's a reality show like many reality shows - some of the "contestants" taking it seriously, and some just wanting to be on TV and play a character. I definitely think Diane is being herself, and not working from some script.

♥ Life is beauty full ♥
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Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

I have watched all the episodes that have aired to date. DVF has always been a favorite of mine. Like Witchy Woman I am still wearing DVF items purchased from the Q years ago.

There is one thing about this show that seems different. All three girls sent home been offered some real guidance. The young woman from Utah was a good photographer, maybe she will end up doing a shoot for DVF in the future. And, last night DVF offered the young woman a job in her store (after the tv show is over)....that is huge!!!!

DVF has always, to me, seemed kind and caring.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

In complete agreement Sapphire and Witchy Woman. I still have a wardrobe of Diane's exquisite line. Skirts.....blouses.....scarfs......gorgeous.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

metro gal. I had one of her original wrap dresses. I lived in it for years.Then when she was on the Q I bought several of her things and still have them. They are silk.

I am getting a kick out of her show. I adore her!---I think the little girl that was bumped last night has real potential and Diane saw it.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

I can't believe that any of those young women would actually be hired. They seem too uneducated, no manners, can't speak with proper grammar, etc.
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Registered: ‎06-18-2014

Re: I watched the DVF show for the first time last night.....

What is the name of the show?