Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎01-22-2011

Would you leave cat alone in house for 4 day trip?

Would you feel awful leaving your cat for 4 days in the house alone with someone only dropping by a few times a day to check his food, water, etc.? My cat is a Ragdoll and totally loves human companionship but I don't know of anyone that can keep him at their house while I'm gone. I feel like he's going to be so lonesome. Do any of you ever leave a single cat alone for that long? He'll be fed, etc. but none of my friends are "cat" people so he's not going to get the TLC he's use to getting everyday, they would just come in quickly to feed him and leave. It breaks my heart : ( Plus, he'd be home alone each night.

Also, there is no way I would kennel him.