
A Treasured Walking Buddy

by ‎12-23-2014 02:02 PM - edited ‎12-18-2015 01:44 PM

Walking with my friends brings so much joy into my life. It's a great way to stay connected and active. I always have a water bottle and a pair of my favorite Rykas near the door so I'm ready to go when Kerstin calls! Also, whether you're an easy-going walker or a speed racer, a fitness tracker is a great way to keep yourself moving (that is if you don't already have you own human version of a fitness tracker, aka, Kerstin Lindquist!) I wanted to share with you guys the joy that having her as a walking buddy has given me! Here's a little bit from Kerstin's perspective, then from me.



“Rachel and I didn’t know each other that well when she emailed me and said she saw I was walking the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 3 day walk and wanted to help me train. I was so happy!  I had no one to walk with and I was still a new host far from home and all my people. We bragged our walking shoes, and headed out to start what would become some of our most treasured traditions.



Those months of walking we became best friends.  She was always a few steps behind me, since I’m such a walk-aholic, but I keep her motivated, and she keeps me from getting too crazy! She likes to sleep in can be a fair-weather walker, but I get her going!!! Our walks have become more about our mental health than physical. We talk and work things out, and our relationship has grown so strong as a result. I’m so blessed by her and love that she took a chance and reached out to walk with me all those years ago.” –Kerstin



“I like walking and it definitely feels good for my body, but I like to take a leisurely pace, enjoy my surroundings, and my company. Kerstin and I balance each other out, and I love having her as a walking buddy...even if she makes me walk in the snow and the heat AND the rain...





It’s created such a bond between us, and it’s that special time we have together that has let us truly get to know the other one. We even grab some other of our fellow hosts to join in our crazy walks! Alberti, Stacey, Jennifer and Mary have all joined us recently. It’s such fun!








For anyone who is looking to improve their mental and physical health, I highly recommend grabbing a walking buddy. You may even find your new best friend.” —Rachel