
Jayne’s Gift Favorites

by on ‎11-23-2010 02:05 PM

̒Tis the season to be jolly! That’s sometimes hard to do with all the pressure of finding the perfect gifts for your family and friends. I believe to get the most out of the season, you should start shopping early, and buy gifts that YOU would enjoy receiving. 

I like to visualize my friends and family opening their gifts. I like to think of the look on their faces. I picture my sister opening a box with the beautiful B. Makowsky Glove-leather Zip-top Hobo Bag. And her joy as she transfers the things from her old handbag into the new one! I can't wait to see my niece, Kennady, dig through the stocking to find the adorable Little MissMatched Sock-tastic Crazy Sock Combo Pack. Oh, and Lauren has been asking for a GPS device for her car. I like the Garmin Nuvi 205 3.5 Diagonal City Navigator. It’s a gift for me, too. I won't have to worry about her getting lost on the roads as she travels back and forth to college. Chelsea is getting ready for college, so she’ll need a new computer. Our selection can’t be beat. She can study in style next year! (Yeah, right. I’m sure she’ll be using it for Facebook more than book reports.) James and I are going to purchase a new flat-screen TV for our bedroom. And for my mom? She’s easy. She loves Kansas City Steaks. I give them to her, and then I invite myself over for dinner.

So remember: when you plan early and shop at QVC, you can enjoy the season with all the joy and none of the craziness!