
On the Cart With: Courtney Cason

by ‎04-30-2015 11:14 PM - edited ‎06-18-2015 07:54 PM

You can often find our QVC Golf cart whipping around the halls of QVC. With our sprawling studios and busy show schedules, sometimes we need to move our hosts quickly and the cart is our go-to.  However, in the case of QVC Plus – our cart rides are often almost as entertaining as the live show.  We’ve decided to start showcasing some of our favorite behind-the-scenes moments on the QVC Plus Blog.


[As proven by our “Meet the Crew” blog from last week, it’s obvious that we’re shameless self-promoters.]





Driver: Bryan, Senior Associate Producer
Host: Courtney Cason
Course: Fashion Set to Outdoor Set
Difficulty Level: Expert


With the wind whipping in her hair, Courtney had a real heart to heart with our Senior Producer Bryan as the two hurtled towards the outdoor set. The two setting an example of moving fast, but not furious. I was able to catch all the action from the back of the cart, as the two filled the time with some delicious BBQ Related Puns.



Join us for more fun this week on QVC Plus.  We’re live on QVC Plus on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Bonus!) and Thursday this week!


As always, drop us a line at with any Questions you have about QVC Plus or just to let us know what you’re loving about Plus!