
Easter Traditions!

by on ‎04-16-2014 04:58 PM

Easter has always been a fun holiday for my family and I. I especially have fond memories of sitting around the kitchen table with my Grandma and sisters making special Easter eggs! Every year without fail my Grandma would visit and we would all gather around with newspapers spread out across the kitchen table and plenty of paper towels handy for her favorite way to decorate eggs. It was delicate hand blown painted eggs.

We would first carefully make a small hole on either side of the egg. Then, using a toothpick we would beat the inside so it would easily pour out. Then, it was the fun part! We would blow into one side until almost all of the yolk was out. It got pretty messy at times, but I preferred it that way. We would always mess up on the first few eggs, but eventually one would come out perfectly and we got to paint it. Mine was always hot pink!

Easter is almost synonymous with these memories and I, now, try to recreate them with my own kids.

Just as my Grandma used to, I gather the kids and spend a evening making her special Easter eggs with them. But, of course my son doesn’t like to paint his eggs pink! Ha ha. On the morning of Easter, we go to church and then come home to do the traditional Easter egg hunt with the whole family. Thanks Grandma, Mom and Dad for always making my Easter holiday so special! And from the Potempa family, we wish you all a very Happy Easter!

