
It's official, I am an empty-nester

by on ‎08-25-2014 05:27 PM

Hello my LCNY fashionistas, is official, I am an empty nester.  Sarah, Larry and I moved Kevin into Temple University on Wednesday August 20th.  It was tough.  His older brother and sister were unbelievable.  They helped organize his room, unload the many boxes, and Larry installed all of the electronics which I would have been at a loss. I set up his bed probably for the last time.  (Insert flowing tears now).. I cried when we left...I cried during dinner....I cried that night...I cried until there was not a tear left.  I woke up Thursday morning and reorganized his room at home and boxed up all high school memorabilia .....NOW we are TEMPLE MADE.

Guess what?  I have only had to do one load of wash in two fridge still has food in it, and I do not have a curfew to be home when he is.  Not bad.  I am still getting used to the silence but I can dance around my house to Motown and nobody is complaining about the music.  I am trying on this empty nest cycle in life and as I say desperately seeking Linda.....I think I am really going to like her when I find her. As for now Temple University, I have sent you the love of my life.  Be kind to him. He is also finding his new normal. 

I will see you on September 3rd my friends for our one hour show and many times between now and then.  Enjoy the start up of the new school year and Labor Day.  Eighteen years goes very quickly.


Your friend Linda Smiley Happy