
What's The Most Picnic-Perfect Dish? What Always Ends Up in Your Basket?

by on ‎07-05-2012 04:13 PM

Hello, foodies…


Feast your eyes on this recipe!

Chocolate Fruit Dip


That's my Chocolate Fruit Dip. And it's what we're making this Wednesday night on In the Kitchen with DavidPM Edition as we focus on summer picnics and picnic basket favorites. The recipe is below. But first, here's some insight on how easy (and quick!) this recipe is to make! Enjoy.



Chocolate Fruit Dip


This recipe is prepared with the Genius Salad Chopper Food Prep System (K37204).


Go to David's Recipe Item Page for the full list of items that David has used in his recipes.




8-oz cream cheese, room temperature

1/3 cup sugar

2/3 cup cocoa powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup marshmallow topping

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Juice and zest of 1 orange

1 cup whipped topping

Fruit (such as strawberries, cantaloupe, and pineapple, for serving)




Beat the cream cheese and sugar in a mixing bowl until smooth. Add the cocoa powder; mix well. Add the vanilla extract, marshmallow topping, cinnamon, orange juice, and zest; mix well. Fold in the whipped topping. Serve with fruit.


Speaking of fresh fruit and freshening up classic recipes (like my dip!), Renowned Pastry Chef Johnny Iuzzini had some great tips for Sissy Biggers at the FOOD & WINE Classic in Aspen.


So my favorite picnic treat is my Chocolate Fruit Dip…and all the dipping fruit, of course! What's the most picnic-perfect dish, in your opinion? What always finds its way into your basket? Is it chicken salad sandwiches, homemade pasta salad, or fresh chocolate chip cookies? Post a reply and we'll read some of your delicious ideas on Wednesday at 9pm ET.


Keep it flavorful!
