
My Mission Statement

by on ‎01-28-2008 05:01 PM

Hello Hello!
I am in San Francisco attending a board meeting for the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and had a little more time to read the forum threads and get to know you all a bit more. First I want to say to Pat 22 that I am praying for your safe surgery on the 7th and stress to you Pat, that when you come to visit my Soho store that you email us and let me know the date so I be sure to be there to give you a hug! Did you all know that Pat 22 has over 1280 pages of posts on the forum!!!??? What a dedicated force she is for all the rest of us in the QVC realm....
Also, a powerful message came to me which I have to share with you all: I read a quote in the New York Times a few days ago from a renown artist Bruce Nauman, who said that "True Artists help the world by revealing Mystic Truths." That struck me as the most succinct explanation of my entire mission statement.
All my life I have been lecturing and speaking to the public in one way or another about the duty, or function of the artist for the rest of society, as it was an important part of my decision to major in Art at Beloit College. In deciding to major in a field that I found almost too easy, there had to be an ulterior motive, or a foundation of purpose behind it. I vowed when I was 19 years old that every artwork I ever made was to reflect and mirror the culture and world around me. I believed that future archeologists would be able to uncover my work and be able to "read" the culture, the image of society that was my world.
So by this intention that I set way back at the beginning of my career, I am able to keep a check on how I stay true to who I am and what I am doing. I believe that true artists are creators, visionaries who can interpret their world as well as the natural world of mystery and beauty, for the masses of society who appreciate the materialization of the ineffable, the dream world, the mystical essence of life. This is why each of my pieces, my work, has a story that I love sharing on live television. Nature is composed of sacred geometry, mind boggling beauty in its symmetry and design. This is an endless source of power and inspiration for me, and why I am able to effortlessly continue to design new work all the time, going on close to 40 years. It is why my work seems so original and fresh, for I am not "interpreting" other peoples designs, but rather the designs of nature, that come from the original source of life to begin with.
While this may seem very deep, it is actually very simple and clear...I listen to the voice of God that is in all things, telling me when to open my eyes and record what is relevant to is listening with my heart and being plugged into the mood of the world and knowing what people need to have as tools for thriving in a time of stress and worldwide strife.
Also the power of love, the love of the spirits of all things, is the secret ingredient in true original art.
Sacred geometry, the design of a snowflake, the forms the wind makes on sand dunes, the spirals in a waterfall, the web of a spider, is nothing more than a love letter from God to us, and my job is simply being the conduit from that mystical information to my fellow humans.
So, with that love, I hope this blog illuminates better, the intentions behind my work, and that it will help you appreciate it with new eyes.