
Introducing the Blue Lotus Collection!

by on ‎04-04-2013 05:55 PM

Hi Everyone!

I’m really excited about Spring and seeing the first crocuses of the season bloom in my garden, as they did this past weekend, and it always makes me smile.  My family and friends laugh at me sometimes because I’ll drag them outside to see the same perennial I showed them last year when it starts to bloom.  I think the variety of shapes and colors of all the different flowers is miraculous - like little works of art magically appearing from the dirt!


My garden has become such an important part of my life and beyond the beauty of the flowers I’ve found many things about my garden that mimic life in general and the things that I’ve learned along life’s journey.  When we first moved from a city apartment to my current home, I knew nothing about cultivating a garden or even how to begin!  I’m certainly no expert now, but the satisfaction that I get from nurturing the flowers, the incredible inspiration that has come from the unique beauty of each flower as it opens and even the lesson of the impermanence of things and appreciating the moment are all part of what attracts me there.  I‘ve even come to love "rescuing" plants that I come across which you know just need some cutting back, attention, water, and the chance to regenerate.

Lotuses are not something that thrive in my area, but I have been lucky enough to see many of these beautiful flowers throughout Asia.  I would surmise that the symbolism, important to so many cultures, came from similar observations - something so beautiful and perfect growing from the mud.

I am thrilled to share my new Blue Lotus Collection with all of you at QVC on The Lisa Robertson Show tomorrow night, April 5th, at 10pm.  I hope you will all tune-in and share in my excitement for the season and my passion for the Blue Lotus Collection.

Happy Spring XOXO
