
Spring Forward...Fall back??

by on ‎08-28-2008 06:42 PM

Remember the saying, Spring Forward, fall back? It's a nice reminder to know which way to set your clock when it comes to "daylight Savings Time". Fortunetely and unfortunetely, it's also a metaphor for many of us when it comes to our Fitness Journey. As soon as Spring rolls around, People have a tendancyy to suddenly "get motivated". they begin working out, and eating right. Something about the thought of wearing a bathing suit mere weeks away may have a little something to do with that. Gym memberships go up, sales on dietary supplements go up, and there's usually a surge in the category of Home Fitness Products as well.

But guess what?? It's not Spring! It's Fall, and for many of us on this Fitness journey, we have a tendency to "Fall Back" as well. Summer's over, the bathing suit are tucked away, the roomier sweaters are coming out of the space Bags, and before we know it... it's Baking Season! Time for some comfort food! Halloween candy! Here come the Christmas cookies! I'll start working out again on New Year's Day!

As a Life long Fitness buff, I know this very well, and have fallen into myself. That's why it's all the more important, even critical, to be aware of the dangers of "falling back", and losing all you've been working for over the past months. Don't let that happen!
Why not see this as the "BEGINNING" of a new season? It's a chance to truly take some time and go to the next level, while others are "falling back".

One way to do it, and make it feel "fresh", is to try something "New". Need fresh motivation? New ideas? P90X , is filled with them. From Yoga, to Plyometrics, to weight training, it has a lot offer. It might even transform your "Fitness Fall" into an opportunity to "Spring Forward".

Oh, and don't forget to set your clocks.

Enjoy the Journey,
