
Mat Work vs. Machines

by on ‎03-20-2012 04:39 PM

People ask me all the time why they need an AeroPilates machine when their local gym offers Pilates classes on the mat? It is a great question and Joe Pilates would have answered them with "the magic happens on the reformer and not on the floor".

Traditional fitness focuses on the isolation of one muscle at a time with many repetitions, tearing those fibers to create a bulky, over-worked muscle which, in turn, creates a weakness in the attached joint or tightness in the opposing muscle.

Our modern, more sedentary lifestyle also forces our poor body to sit for far too long, causing spinal alignment to deteriorate and the deep postural muscles to fatigue and weaken. It isn't any wonder that our body is loaded with imbalances, stiffness and pain.

AeroPilates to the rescue!

Lying down, on a machine that supports your body entirely, while stretching and strengthening every muscle is brilliant because you don't typically make movement in this position and while totally aligned you exercise your whole body all at the same time. This more functional approach can lengthen tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles to reform how you move and correct the imbalances that come from life in a vertical position. Symmetrical resistance also balances your body from right to left and moving through space against this resistance forces your body to engage your deeper stabilizing muscles to initiate the movement.

The result is a longer, leaner, more balanced body with renewed alignment and strength.

With our recent innovation and addition of the Cardio Rebounder, everyone can now get super fit. Large or overweight, de-conditioned or athletic, men or women, young or old can now burn calories without hurting themselves as well as retrain their overworked and fatigued muscles to come to life again. In just 20 minutes a day you can restore your body to a youthful, agile and vibrant state.