
Attention Chocolate Lovers…

by on ‎02-10-2011 06:03 PM

All in favor of chocolate say, “I”! Anyone opposed? February is American Heart Month. Every day, my wife, two daughters, and I take Omega-3 fish oils. Sometimes my kids aren’t thrilled, but they know I’m not going to stop setting them out next to their breakfasts. If you were visiting my house, chances are you would find fish oils served alongside your meal, too. One thing I don’t get any pushback from is when I provide a delicious 1-oz. serving of dark chocolate. Researchers from Harvard Medical School shared that women who ate up to three 1-oz. servings of dark chocolate a month had a 32% lower risk of developing heart failure when compared to women who ate little or none. I love when something that tastes good does so much good. Moderation is king and queen, though. Studies also suggest if we overdo the cocoa, we can increase our risk of heart failure.

Happy Valentine’s Day, and may your hearts and loved ones be blessed abundantly!
