
New Year...New You!

by on ‎12-23-2013 04:28 PM

SO, I am a self-proclaimed organizational queen but we all have parts of our life that need cleaning up.  Aside from your closet, which you should do a THOROUGH cleansing of (see tips below), ….there are plenty of other places for improvement. We all have our “things” but I though I’d share mine—let me know if you can relate, have similar issues or share problems you are looking to solve.


This one I have down (as I should- I have a whole line devoted to JUST this) but I always feel like there is room to cleanse. Here are a few tips to get your closet whipped into shape

A)  Anything you haven’t worn in a year goes…donate/consign (whatever) just get it out of your closet

B)  Anything that is BIG on you GOES… if you are looking to slim down (great!) but there should be nothing in your wardrobe that accounts for you gaining weight. We feel and look out best when we are our healthiest selves. I know this is easier said than done---- but it’s a first step in the process.

C)   Let go of anything that is trendy (or designer) but it doesn't work on you! Just because something is “on trend” does not mean it is right for your body…. if it doesn't look like a “10” on you it goes!

Now onto New Years plans…what are you doing? I find holiday travelling and New Years Eve to be extremely overrated and filled with tons of pressure to have FUN. This year I am dating someone who has to work on New Years Eve…. so we are just having a quiet dinner after & celebrating the New year on the 1st… don’t feel compelled to buy-in to the gimmick if you don’t yet have plans—so unnecessary… AND everything tends to be super-expensive. Do what works for you!

I am spending a few days in Miami solo during my time off (the boyfriend has to work.) I love getting into the warm weather and feeling a little sunlight (New York has been so chilly.)


I took up paddle boarding a few years ago & love it because it combines working out & a good time. I reward myself with a few cocktails after (which always makes it worth it!) I love any hobby where I don’t/can’t bring my phone with me…. we are all so addicted to technology that I often find myself ignoring what’s around me (to send a text that can wait.) My father always says, “Nothing you are working on can be THAT important that you cant have a peaceful dinner.” I have made a promise to myself that my phones are off the table during all meals.  There is nothing more rude than making someone feel like their time is not as important as yours. In the New Year, I plan to spend even less time with my Computer, Blackberry etc…. you ? thoughts?

Jill and Christie

Have one work day in the middle of my vacation…. not sure many of you know, I am also a broadcaster for the New York Knicks…….working on the 27th but then back to a little time off. 

Hope your new year is filled with love and light and see you on Jan 7th at 6am and Jan 27th at 9am.

Happy Holidays! XOXO jill