
Face Shape Quiz

by on ‎05-25-2012 02:17 PM

I enjoy a good magazine quiz. You know the type -- it grabs you with a bold headline like, “Do You Have A Fashion Clue?” or “Are You Compatible With Your Wardrobe?” And then what follows is typically a list of true or false or or multiple choice questions. In the end, there’s an answer key printed inside a box with the type inverted and upside down. The payoff for time spent completing the quiz can range from interesting to hilarious.

Well earlier this week a face shape quiz caught my eye. If you read last week’s blog, I mentioned my fondness for new sunglasses at the start of the summer season. So according to the quiz, choosing the right sunglasses is predicated upon a correct assessment of the shape of one’s mug. I hadn’t really given the correlation much thought, so I decided to take the plunge - I mean the quiz. Apparently, the four face shapes are heart, round, square and oval or long.

Face Shape

After a series of questions and calculations comparing the length of my face to the width of my cheeks, multiplied by the difference between my jaw and subtracting the distance from my forehead, (I’m exaggerating, but it was ridiculous math) I apparently have an oval face. And as such, I should be wearing rectangular sunglasses. I guess it’s a good thing I decided against the cat eye frames. Speaking of new sunglasses for summer, check out a great pair from Joan Rivers that I’ll have in AM Style - good for any face shape!

By the way, if you’re interested, here are some characteristics of the four face shapes. Which one are you?

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