
From Dance to Design: I Haven't Changed :-)

by on ‎05-16-2012 06:08 PM

My brother recently sent me the picture below and I had to smile. I actually remember the day. It was taken before the big recital. I have such fond memories growing up in the quaint neighborhood of Levittown, New York. Levittown was the first suburban development, built in the early 1950's to offer affordable housing to the returning veterans. It was a friendly environment to grow up in and I have wonderful memories of performing ballet dance recitals, and putting on shows for my neighbors... Always the ham! It was so much fun, we used bed sheets hanging on the clothesline as curtains to set the stage!

Little Graver

My love of the arts transformed from dance and performance into drawing and painting. My favorite media is watercolor and my prints are often inspired and developed from my own artwork. One of my favorite watercolor prints was the inspiration for my Shantung Jacket A199414.


Printed on a beautiful shantung fabric to add texture and richness to the print. I have worn this jacket paired with a slim skirt to merchandise meetings and I've also worn it casually with jeans.

I hope you will join me this Thursday 9AM ET and Sunday 10PM ET for fun, laughter and great fashion!



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