
When Do You Know the Holidays are Here?

by on ‎12-02-2011 08:44 PM

For those of us who work at QVC, getting ready for the holidays starts much earlier than it does for most people. That’s so that everyone who shops with us will have exactly what they want when the season actually rolls around. It makes for a bit of an odd transition, though. Most of us have that event... that sight... that sound... that feeling... that experience...  that something... that happens when You Know -- the Holiday Season is officially here!

For me there are a few signs. 

  • When the local soft rock radio station switches to all-Christmas-music-all-the-time!

  • When I start seeing those commercials where someone walks out to their driveway to find a car with a big bow on it

  • When the tree goes up in Rockefeller Center

  • When I can channel surf and catch Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown Christmas or any other holiday favorite almost any time

  • When my Valerie Wreath arrives and I hang it on my door

There are so many signs of the holidays to enjoy. We look forward to those familiar things year after year. So I hope whatever signals the arrival of the holiday season for you has happened, and that it’s a sign that a wonderful time of the year is underway.

See you Saturday morning - we've got a great show for you including this Customer Top Rated Susan Graver Fleece Jacket - A209569!

~ Leah