
So, what’s your favorite thing to do with the iPad®?

by on ‎08-02-2012 10:27 AM

This is a question that I ask and get asked more often than I count, and my answers vary from day to day. For me, the iPad is a great way to get my kids to learn their ABCs. Other times, it's a way to listen to my favorite music or play a game. On a quiet Saturday morning, it's my newspaper to go along with a cup of coffee. However, if I needed to pick just one thing, it has to be my new on demand TV watching device.

I've got two kids, a great wife, and one crazy schedule, so trying to coordinate time to watch anything is nearly impossible. Sundays at 10pm. Wednesday at 9pm. Sorry TV man, I've got enough to keep track of and TV schedules are no longer in that mix. So, when it comes to Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and the Newsroom, I'm at a loss. I've heard nothing but great things about all of these shows, and I want to watch. However, I can't dive in now. I need the back-story. Who's that guy? How did they do that? Why doesn't she like that other lady? Yup, I need to start from the beginning, but how?

The answer is the iPad. Sure, I could rent some of these shows from my local library, but that means driving across town, remembering to return discs, and hoping the next season's episodes are there when I want them. Sure, I could buy the whole season, but what if I don't like the show? That would be a big waste of money. Maybe I could set the DVR. No chance I'll remember to do that.

Thankfully, there are enough apps on my iPad so that when some free time opens in my day, I can catch up on Don Draper's trip to L.A. (yeah, that was a bizarre couple of episodes). The apps are easy and convenient, and they allow me to watch what I want, when I want. Strangely, with the iPad, I'm not watching any more TV than I used to. I'm just watching better TV and no longer sitting around flipping through the channels of thing I don't want to watch. I think of it as maximizing my ever-diminishing free time.

So what's your favorite way to use the iPad? Let me know on my Facebook page Craig Smith-QVC, and check us out on 8/5 for an awesome iPad 2 Today's Special Value® on the Q. We'll answer all of your questions, show you how it works, and introduce you to the device that has taken the world by storm.

See ya on the Q!

- Craig Smith