
Dancing Sisters

by on ‎07-31-2014 03:16 PM

Deirdre went to her first ballet recital before she was born! Her big sister Cara was performing about a month before Deirdre was born so it just seemed natural that as soon as she was old enough, she went to dance class too.  Growing up, Cara and Deirdre would perform numbers from classic musicals (Sound of Music, Meet Me in St. Louis) when they were about ages 7 and 2.  Most guests were treated to "So Long, Farewell..." from the Sound of Music as they headed out the door!  And, like all sisters, they had their moments, but the bond of dance has always been there for them and always will be!


If it was Cara who got Deirdre to start dancing, it was Deirdre who brought her big sister back. In seventh grade Cara decided to focus on swimming and left dancing.  She devoted herself to the pool just like she had to the dance floor.  In her freshman year of high school we all went to see Deirdre in her first Nutcracker. Cara was so moved, and later told me she wanted to go back to dance.  Her ballet mistress welcomed her back, but she had years to make up for and worked harder than I've ever seen her work. 

If you told me then, that after missing years of dance, Cara would now be a professional ballerina with a contract with a well-known company, I would not have thought it was possible! But she never gave up, never stopped trying, and had the courage to pursue her dream.  Believe me, there were rough spots along the way, but she pushed through. She had near career ending surgery, had rejections and then many offers. Even now, as she is working on her first season in ballet, she is also pursuing a degree in Communications and Public Relations through Penn State World Campus. 

And although Deirdre loves ballet too, her passion is lyrical and jazz.  She is a force in a tiny package, and comes home after hours of dance, puts on music, and keeps dancing! She also loves art, and is usually involved in a project or three at any given time! Deirdre shines on stage, and loves performing.  She also volunteers with the baby dancers who adorably call her "Miss Dee-dwa."


Dance has bonded me to my girls. I love that we can speak the same language.  They both thought it was cool that Mom knew how to sew pointe shoes without asking the teacher! I love watching them grow and pursue this art form that will bond them forever!

When we left Cara at the airport on her new adventure I was fine, until Deirdre collapsed in her big sisters arms and they both were crying.  Thank goodness for FaceTime and Skype, it makes the miles seem less far.


And no matter where they go in life, they will always be my baby ballerinas!!
