
She Flew Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease!

by on ‎05-22-2014 12:46 PM

If you’ve ever seen a version of Cirque du Soleil, or any circus acrobatic act you’ve probably thought, “that’s cool” --  but would you ever try it yourself? That’s exactly what my friend Dina did after she decided to go to Circus School!

Dina and me

By day, Dina is a make-up artist at the QVC studios and she also owns her own salon.

Dina in the QVC salon

For some time she had been telling me about the classes she was taking at circus school. One day while I was in the make-up chair, Dina mentioned that she was going to perform in a showcase at circus school and asked if I was interested in watching her perform. I was ecstatic and told her, “Absolutely, count me in!”

I was inspired by my friend’s determination to challenge herself and push beyond what she thought she could do. And it goes without saying -- her performance was terrific!

Dina performed on fabric ropes suspended from high in the air

Way to go Dina -- Cirque du Soleil has nothing on you! :-)

"See" you in the morning for AM Beauty and AM Style!

Leah : )