
You’re Never Too Old To Learn Something New

by on ‎01-31-2013 04:35 PM

Can you guess what percentage of people keep a New Year’s Resolution past one month? (Keep reading for the answer.) Can you guess the #1 resolution that most people make? (Ok, that one is too easy -- of course, it’s to lose weight.) But also on the Top 10 List of Resolutions is... “To Learn Something New”.

Who doesn’t love learning something new -- a new language, a new recipe, a new hobby? It’s fun, it’s challenging and it keeps the brain sharp.

So, one month into the New Year, I’m learning something new -- Susan Graver is teaching me to knit!

That’s right. Susan and I have our own little knitting circle after the show on Sunday nights. Susan got me started with beautiful yarn and my own knitting needles, and I’m excited about my first project. I’m knitting a scarf! I’ve got three rows knit (or is it knitted) which means I should have a scarf before the new year is over!

See You Saturday,



Can you guess what percentage of people keep a New Year’s Resolution past one month?

  1. 14%

  2. 38%

  3. 64%

  4. 75%


According to an unofficial study, approximately 64% of people maintain their New Year’s Resolutions past one month.